Top 5 Exercises to Maintain Strength as You Age, From Personal Trainer!

Harmony Fitness/ Ece

4/11/20248 min read

Regular physical activity will prepare your body for the future. No matter your age or shape, you should exercise every day. Elmagd (2016) explained it nicely; besides looking beautiful or fitting into your favorite dress, exercising also strengthens your muscles, keeps your bones strong, improves your skin, increases relaxation, provides better sleep and mood, strong immune function, and more.

Have you ever seen an athlete or fitness addict who looks old or is showing his/her age? The more you do sports, the younger you become. Take a look around you.

In addition, research supports that it prevents many diseases, such as diabetes, blood pressure, heart diseases, obesity, depression, etc.

In my opinion, sports are addictive, once you start you can't quit, once you stop you can't start again. Have you ever noticed how our bodies seem to turn against us when we stop working out? Especially for beginners, it's not uncommon to lose all of your muscles almost immediately. Starting up again can also be a painful experience, as you'll suffer from DOMS and may struggle to get out of bed. To avoid this discomfort, it's best to keep moving, even if it is short or less frequent. Remember, a week or 2 weeks off from training can set you back significantly.

I have evaluated for you a list of 5 exercises to maintain strength as you age and you can always benefit from by doing regularly and that will prepare your body stronger for the future. To view different versions of each, be sure to check out my YouTube videos.

  1. Squat

  2. Single leg deadlift

  3. Push-ups

  4. Bike

  5. Mountain Climber

  1. Squat

I know everyone hates it, but you must do it! There are so many reasons why you should squat. Sitting or get up from the chair is one of them. It improves muscle strength and balance (mainly Quadriceps / front of your thigh, Hamstrings, Glute & Calves) that enable us to sit on a chair and get up. As we get older, we tend to lose our balance and are at risk of falling even while sitting on chair.

There is one research (Yamazaki & Takakuwa, 2022) stated that at the end of squat training in people over 50 years of age for 6 months, standing time and walking speed increased. Plus it resists diseases that may occur due to old age, such as sarcopenia. Moreover, squats are a great exercise to prepare you for competitions, so if you're an athlete, add them to your list.

There are many variations of squats, like; regular squats, prison squats, wall squats, front walking squats, etc., so you have to love someone and keep doing it. You can start with chair squats and continue with squats and their types later on.

Let me tell you this, when you keep practicing more often, after a long time, you realize that squats mean nothing, you don't feel sore anymore, in fact your muscles get stronger and your endurance increases, then TRY forward walking squats :D

How to do Squat?

Different body types may require variations in the squat position, but I will provide a general definition here. To see the squat videos I have created for various levels, you can visit this link.

  • To perform a squat, start by bending your knees and pushing your hips back, as if you were going to sit in a chair.

  • Ensure that your knees stay behind your toes and your weight is on your heels.

  • Then, stand up again and repeat the movement.

squat exercise
squat exercise

2. Single-Leg Deadlift

As I mentioned earlier, maintaining or improving our balance will bring us an advantage when we get older. The Single-Leg Deadlifts is a one-sided workout that targets the hamstring muscle, hips, cores and calves. This exercise helps to distribute your muscles evenly in the legs, improve your balance, so reduce the risk of falling, and activate your abdominal muscles.

If you're new to working out, this is a fantastic exercise to begin with. When done properly, it can provide many benefits. As you improve your balance and technique, you can transition to using weights such as dumbbells or bottles. This exercise can also be a helpful warm-up before attempting heavy lifts like the deadlift. It will help you become more aware of your body's movements during exercise.

I kindly request that you review the modifications of this exercise on my Youtube Channel prior to attempting it, in order to avoid any potential harm or injury to yourself :)

How to do Single-Leg Deadlift?

Begin by placing one leg on the floor and slightly bending your knee to prevent blocking it.

  • Push your hips back, causing your torso to naturally lean forward.

  • While leaning forward, keep your back leg straight and lift it simultaneously as your body leans forward.

  • Maintain your hands on your leg and slide them downward.

  • If this proves challenging, you can extend your hands to the sides.

  • Go down until feel your hamstrings.

  • Avoid straining your back as you turn back.

  • Ensure your back remains straight at all times.

unilateral deadlift
unilateral deadlift

3. Push-ups

Another one of the most hated exercises! Push-ups are a demanding exercise that can help develop strength and power in the upper body, regardless of whether you do them on your knees or in a standard position. Although some individuals – especially women – may find push-ups difficult, they are incredibly useful in engaging the chest and shoulder muscles. As a result, push-ups can be particularly beneficial for women.

In fact, research has shown that women tend to have weaker upper body strength than men, which can lead to problems with posture and daily activities. By incorporating push-ups into your workout routine, you can help strengthen your chest, shoulders, and arms, which can ultimately improve your overall upper body strength and functionality. Plus, push-ups can be done anywhere and require no equipment, making them a convenient and cost-effective option for anyone looking to improve their fitness level. So next time you're tempted to skip push-ups, remember the benefits they can provide and challenge yourself to incorporate them into your routine to able to pushing open large glass doors at shops.

The Advantages of Push-Ups

Push-ups offer numerous benefits, including:

  • Strengthening of upper body muscles for daily activities (Pushing the doors, carrying shopping bags etc.)

  • Simultaneous activation of multiple muscles at once

  • Bone strengthening

  • Improved athletic performance, particularly for athletes

  • Assistance in maintaining proper posture

  • Increased calorie burning potential

  • Push-ups has several variations, making it highly adaptable and conducive to progress (Decline, Tricep, Diamond, Spiderman, Clap Push-ups and more)

How to do Push-Ups?

  • To begin, get into a plank position or onto all fours and extend one leg behind you.

  • Ensure there is a straight line from your head to your heel.

  • Next, inhale and lower your body, while keeping your torso and hips stable, by bending your elbows to a 90-degree angle.

  • Finally, exhale and in a controlled manner, return to the plank position by pushing yourself back up.

Push up
Push up

4. Bike

To counteract the natural aging process that can lead to increased abdominal muscle mass, it's important to exercise regularly. Start by incorporating these two abdominal exercises – bike and mountain climbing – into your routine. Bike targets the obliques and can help slim your waist. Ladies, take note!

It's crucial to start exercising before your body shape starts to change. This will help you build muscle mass and protect your body from the effects of aging. Remember, once you've gained abdominal fat, it can be very challenging to eliminate.

Furthermore, having weak abdominal muscles can lead to injuries when performing other exercises. The center of the body is the abdomen, and all of your strength for any exercise comes from there. For this reason, it’s critical to integrate abdominal exercises into your workout routine. However, the abdominal muscles are a complex group, consisting of four primary muscle groups: rectus abdominis, external obliques, internal obliques, and transversus abdominis, each requiring specific exercise plans and rest periods.

Remember, achieving a slim waistline is not just about looking good, but it's also about maintaining good health. By incorporating regular exercise, a healthy diet, and stress-reducing techniques into your lifestyle, you can achieve a slimmer waistline and improve your overall well-being.

How to do Bike?

Follow these simple steps to do a bike crunch for a killer ab workout:

  • Lie down on your back and bend one leg at a 90-degree angle while keeping the other leg straight.

  • Place your hands beside your head and raise your head slightly.

  • Bring your opposite elbow in front of the knee as you move one knee towards your chest.

  • Repeat the movement on the other leg.

  • Remember to keep your lower back on the ground and both legs raised at all times.

  • Perform the exercise slowly and with control for optimal results.

bike exercise
bike exercise

5. Mountain Climber

You may be wondering why mountain climbers are a better option than planks. While planks are effective in targeting your core and shoulders, mountain climbers are a more advanced exercise that engage multiple muscle groups, including your legs, core, and shoulders. Additionally, maintaining stability in your hips requires more balance, ultimately leading to more calories burned. This exercise also provides cardiovascular benefits and can be incorporated into your HIIT training as you improve your speed.

Mountain climbers are also a great exercise option for those who are short on time. With just a few minutes of mountain climbers, you can get your heart rate up and break a sweat. Plus, you don't need any equipment, so you can do this exercise anywhere, anytime. Moreover, both the plank and mountain climbers can be effective in achieving better posture, but only when executed correctly.

How to do Mountain climbers?

  • To do mountain climbers, start in a plank position, with your hands shoulder-width apart and your body in a straight line from your head to your toes.

  • Bring one knee towards your chest and then quickly switch to the other knee, as if you are running in place.

  • Make sure to keep your core engaged and your hips stable throughout the exercise.

  • With consistency and practice, you'll be able to perform mountain climbers with speed and ease, reaping the many physical benefits they offer.

Discover How to Exercise at Any Level through My YouTube Channel

Explore my YouTube channel for exercise tutorials that cater to all levels of fitness. I'd love to hear your thoughts and suggestions on my content. Remember to keep moving towards a healthier future!


LADIES' Online Personal Trainer

#top5exercisestobestrong #onlinepersonaltrainerforwomen #fitnessforlife #keepmoving #fitnessmotivation


Abou Elmagd, M. (2016). Benefits, need and importance of daily exercise. Int. J. Phys. Educ. Sports Health, 3(5), 22-27.

Ebben, W. P., Wurm, B., VanderZanden, T. L., Spadavecchia, M. L., Durocher, J. J., Bickham, C. T., & Petushek, E. J. (2011). Kinetic analysis of several variations of push-ups. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 25(10), 2891-2894.

Kotarsky, C. J., Christensen, B. K., Miller, J. S., & Hackney, K. J. (2018). Effect of progressive calisthenic push-up training on muscle strength and thickness. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 32(3), 651-659.

Ruegsegger, G. N., & Booth, F. W. (2018). Health benefits of exercise. Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in medicine, 8(7), a029694.

Vecchio, L., Daewoud, H., & Green, S. (2018). The health and performance benefits of the squat, deadlift. and bench press. MOJ Yoga Phys. Ther, 3, 40-47.

Osugi, T., Iwamoto, J., Yamazaki, M., & Takakuwa, M. (2014). Effect of a combination of whole body vibration exercise and squat training on body balance, muscle power, and walking ability in the elderly. Therapeutics and clinical risk management, 131-138.