A Personal Trainer Answers the Top 5 Fitness Questions for Beginners.

Harmony Fitness/Ece

10/1/20248 min read

Stepping into a new stage in life can be daunting and overwhelming. You might feel hesitant and unsure of how to start or how to make it last. It's completely normal to feel this way! Everyone has been a beginner at some point in their life journey, and it's important to remember that. The key is to find a reliable source that can provide you with the right information and guide you through the correct steps to make this a sustainable lifestyle. I wish someone had shared these insights with me earlier! Having taken a personal training course, I've gained immense knowledge and was able to correct several common misconceptions associated with it. So now, I'm confident answer this top 5 fitness questions for beginners.

As a beginner, it's natural to have questions and thoughts that come up. If you share similar concerns, or another fitness questions, let's discuss them together in the comments section below, or feel free to contact me via email or WhatsApp.

1. ''If I train every day, I will see faster results''. How often do I need to work out?

Before initiating any training, personal trainers typically establish the FITT Principles for their clients. These principles – Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type – should be tailored to fit the individual's specific needs. Organize your exercise program accordingly to achieve optimal results. Keep in mind that your objectives should be SMART for success: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) suggests that for a healthy adult, 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, five days a week or 30 minutes of vigorous activity, three days a week is adequate.

Perceived Exertion and Talk Test

Table 1: How do I determine the intensity of training?

How do I determine the intensity of training?

What is moderate-intensity aerobic activity?

  • You are able to talk, but not sing during the exercise. Examples include brisk walking, slow biking, doubles tennis, active home chores, etc.

What is vigorous-intensity aerobic activity?

  • You are not able to talk and are slightly out of breath. Examples inlcude jogging, fast bicycling, singles tennis, swimming laps, etc.

It's important to note that you don't have to push yourself every day; your physical activities should cater to your fitness goals, whether it's losing weight, gaining muscle, or being an athlete.

To maintain a healthy lifestyle, I recommend that individuals stay active at least four times a day. Here are some examples:

  • Three days of resistance and one day of cardio

  • Two days of resistance, one day of cardio and one day of yoga, Pilates or stretching

  • Walking is also an excellent way to stay active, even on your rest day or do it as cardio day.

If you struggle with health issues, are recovering from injuries, or just starting something new, don't stress! Take your time and go at your own pace. If you need to, try doing light resistance exercises for two days and walking for 15-30 minutes, twice a week, depending on your capacity. Keep in mind that every journey starts with small steps, and your body will appreciate the effort.

The Risks of Training Every Day

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you trained every day? Although it may seem like the best way to reach your goals, it can lead to injury, inflammation, and exhaustion. Remember, taking the time to properly train is key. Your current actions will affect your future, whether positively or negatively. Unless you're a professional athlete with a special schedule, there's no need to train every day. Everyday activities like work, running errands, or caring for children can put a lot of strain on your body. For this reason, it's important to give your body time to recover and build muscle. Overworking your muscles can cause inflammation, which will protect you from this trauma or possible injury.

2. ''I prefer to do 2-3 hours long workout one day and rest other days''. How long should my workouts be?

Fixing a Common Exercise Mistake: It's Never Too Late

Have you or are you making this fitness mistake in the beginning like me? Don't worry, it's not too late to correct it. Research shows that shorter, more frequent exercise sessions are more effective. Check out my other blog post on this topic by clicking here.

An ideal training plan should be no more than 75 minutes, with 60 minutes being the sweet spot. Make sure to include both warm-up and cool-down exercises, with a minimum of 5 minutes dedicated to each.

Achieving Optimal Fitness Levels: How Much Exercise is Enough?

According to the metabolic equivalent of task (METs), a minimum of
150 to 300 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise and at least 2 days of muscle-strengthening exercises are recommended. It's important to divide the 150 minutes throughout the week, instead of doing it all at once. Exceeding 60 minutes at a time can cause delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS), injuries, irregular menstrual cycles, a weakened immune system, and can actually decrease your overall performance.

3. ''I don't have time. I need to begin work immediately to ensure that I can finish early so it's ok to skip them." Do I need to warm up and cool down?

Have you ever thought about the consequences of skipping your warm-up or cool-down routine?

With only 60 minutes available in a day, it's important to prioritize taking care of your body. Rather than rushing to start work or other activities, consider reorganizing your schedule for this. This way, you can enjoy your workout and start your day on a positive note. Whether you're an athlete or a fitness enthusiast, never underestimate the importance of warming up and cooling down.

The Importance of Warming Up for Optimal Physical Performance

Warming up is a crucial step in preparing your body for physical activity. It helps to raise your body temperature and stimulate blood flow to your muscles and tendons. This can lead to an increase in work capacity and force output. Taking the time to gradually warm up can give your kinetic chain the necessary time to adapt to the demands of exercise, resulting in optimal performance.

Some research found that warming up improves athletic performance such as jumping, agility training, kicking, and bench stepping. Furthermore, studies have shown that warming up can prevent injuries (Fradkin, Zazryn, and Smoliga, 2010).

Quick and Easy Warm-Up Exercises

Here are some simple warm-up exercises that you can do for 40 seconds and 3 repetitions of each movement before any workout to get your body ready:

  • Marching in place

  • Jogging in place

  • High knees

  • Jumping jacks

These exercises are easy to perform and will help get your blood pumping.

The Importance of Cool-Downs After Exercise

Many exercise programs neglect the warm-up and cool-down aspects, but studies show that taking 10-15 minutes to engage in light continuous activity (40-55% of max heart rate or overall maximal intensity) after a workout or competition can significantly reduce soreness and improve blood flow for the removal of metabolic waste products from the muscular system.

It's not uncommon to see some participants leave during the cool-down portion of group classes. However, keep in mind that you've invested both time and money into the session, and the instructor is there to assist you. So, take advantage of the help provided and stay until the end.

Try some of these yoga-inspired cool-down ideas. Each movement should be held for 20-30 seconds while taking deep breaths or allowing your breathing to return to normal. Give these poses a try:

  • Child Pose

  • Cobra Pose

  • Side Lying Quad Stretch (hold onto your ankle)

  • Lying Hamstring Stretch (lying on your back while holding your straight leg up)

  • Low Lunge Pose (Anjaneyasana)

  • Downward Facing Dog

man in black t-shirt and black shorts running on road during daytime
man in black t-shirt and black shorts running on road during daytime
woman in black tank top and blue pants doing yoga
woman in black tank top and blue pants doing yoga

4. ''Lift Big- Get Big.'' How much weight should I use when strength training?

If you're working out with weights, focusing on posture and technique is more important than lifting heavier. If you can do 10-15 repetitions of shoulder overhead press with a 5 kg dumbbell without straining yourself too much or changing your posture, this is a good weight for you at first. Your fitness level should determine the weights you use – take the speaking test above as an example. Remember to lift slowly and nicely.

If you're not using weights, bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges, push-ups, and planks can provide enough resistance to start. However, these exercises require proper technique. If you're new to squats, try sitting in a chair, and if you're new to push-ups, use a table (with elbows pointing back at a 45-degree angle). Even advanced users can benefit from adding advanced variations like skater squats or clapping push-ups to their program.

Here are eight additional tips to help you gain muscle without lifting heavy weights:

  1. Increase your number of sets

  2. Train to failure

  3. Make compound sets

  4. Change your workout routine periodically

  5. Change your pace

  6. Train the same muscle group twice per week

  7. Incorporate gymnastics into your routine

  8. Get ample rest and make stretching a part of your regular routine.

5. ''If nothing changes in a month, I'll quit this training''. How long does it take to see results?

Are you looking to see results after starting a regular workout routine? The good news is that you can typically notice positive changes within three months. However, it's important to remember that your weight may not be the only indicator of progress. Don't obsess over the scale and instead look for changes in your body shape as well as how your clothes fit. Keep in mind that weight loss could be accompanied by fat loss, muscle growth, or water retention.

If you want to see sustainable results, it's essential to prioritize exercise, sleep, and diet simultaneously. Neglecting one of these components could render your gym or home workouts ineffective. Therefore, aim for three to four days of exercise per week, get seven to eight hours of sleep every night, and maintain a healthy diet to achieve success.

It's important to aim for gradual weight loss of 1-1.5 kg per month to achieve long-term results. Rapid weight loss can be harmful to your wellbeing and make it easier to regain lost weight. Remember to live like a pineapple - Stand tall, wear a crown, give time to change and be sweet on the inside.

woman in white tank top holding microphone
woman in white tank top holding microphone

As a conclusion, when starting a workout routine, it's important to set realistic goals and track your progress over time. This can help you stay motivated and see how far you've come. Additionally, incorporating a variety of exercises can help prevent boredom and challenge your muscles in new ways. Don't be afraid to try new things and switch up your routine every few weeks.

It's also important to listen to your body and take rest days when needed. Overexerting yourself can lead to burnout and injury, which can derail your progress. Instead, focus on consistency and gradual improvement over time.

Remember, starting a workout routine is just the first step. Sticking with it and making it a habit is key to achieving long-term success. With dedication and perseverance, you can reach your fitness goals and improve your overall health and well-being.


LADIES' Online Personal Trainer



Fradkin, A. J., Zazryn, T. R., & Smoliga, J. M. (2010). Effects of warming-up on physical performance: a systematic review with meta-analysis. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 24(1), 140-148.



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